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The Bartholomew material is an extraordinary collection of profound spiritual information conveyed from the late 70s to the mid-90s through Mary-Margaret Moore by a beautiful and loving intelligence named Bartholomew.

"Who" is Bartholomew? For an answer, watch the interview below in which Ms. Moore addresses precisely that question. (The same interview, divided in 8 short segments, is available on the videos page.)

Hundreds of teachings were held with individuals and with groups small and large. Almost all were taped, and a selection of these tapes were transcribed, edited and turned into five books.

The tapes of most of the teachings have been preserved and are in the process of being converted into electronic audio files. Unfortunately, some have been damaged, and a small number are still missing, a list of which can be found here. With the help of anyone who has some of these cassettes and is willing to donate or loan them, we hope, eventually, to be able to fill all the gaps. If you know of anyone who has or might have some of these tapes, please notify info@bartholomewmaterial.com. Thank you.

Copyright © Estate of Mary-Margaret Moore - All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: info@bartholomewmaterial.com

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